Judul; A Research On Sociolinguistics
Penulis: Devi Hellystia
Ukuran : viii, 152 hlm, Uk: 17.5×25 cm
ISBN : 978-623-02-0619-1
Cetakan Pertama: Februari 2020
Sociolinguistics is a multidisciplinary branch of linguistics that developed partly out of anthropology, partly out of ethnography, partly out of sociology, and partly out of dialectology as natural epistemological heritage, which conditioned both theoretically and methodologically this field and conferred it with an interdisciplinary stance. The development of Sociolinguistics research has been qualitatively and quantitatively outstanding with a steady growth in both theoretical and methodological developments as well as in its interdisciplinary directions within the spectrum of language and society. Field methods in sociolinguistic studies have been motivated by the various research objectives pursued: sociological, sociolinguistic, or linguistic goals. The aim of this paper is to provide a compilation of research-based article which enable to enlighten and research ideas for students of linguistic studies particularly those who study sociolinguistics.
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