Buku Academic Listening Listen to Catch Sense of the Conversations and Talks
Penulis: Abdul Kodir Al-Baekani, S.Pd., M.Pd.
ISBN: 978-623-02-6402-3
Isi: viii, 90 hlm, 2029 cm
Tahun Terbit 2023
The TOEFL Test is one type of standardized test, and it is important to keep certain points in mind to succeed on the TOEFL Test. First, to do well in TOEFL Test, you must be fairly fluent in English and must know the area well. Secondly, you should learn the format and test-taking strategies, because some of the questions are tricky. By learning the trick, you can be better on these types of questions. Thirdly, it is a good idea to be rested and alert whey you take the test because you should arrive at the test awake and clear-headed. Finally, you just remember these three basic points, and you should do well the test. There is listening test for the TOEFL Test which consists of listening to short conversation, long conversation, and long talk. Each listening has a strategy to answer the question. Many people say that Listening Section is difficult for them. In sum, you have to study the listening strategy for the TOEFL Test.
This book, Academic Listening, is designed to improve students listening skills from pre-advanced to advanced level. TOEFL Listening can be called advanced level processing skills are introduced in this course to listen many kinds of TOEFL Listening and to introduce the strategy of TOEFL Listening Test even how to answer TOEFL Listening Test.
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