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Buku Baru, Buku Novel & Sastra

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Buku The Dying Dandelion Painting, Poetry and Philosophy

The Dying Dandelion is a collection of authors personal journals, poetry and digital paintings. She dedicates this book to herself as a lifetime work, a reminder, a precious thing to cherish and look back on. In this book, the author shares her views about how she tries to elucidate her insecurities, how she views the world and its complexity, and how the authors emotional state is visualized through paintings.

Those who read this book may wonder about the title, how it represents the content of this book, and in what way it delivers the authors point of view.

Dandelion is believed to be a symbol of hope, growth, joy, healing and dream. To see life with pure optimism. The author of this book, meanwhile, has lost faith in those things. She is detached, disconnected, distanced, hopeless, cold, numb, empty, as if there is nothing left in her.

The Dying Dandelion as the hope she has in life is perishing, dying and slowly evaporating.

Dimensi : 1319 cm
Penulis : Evenoer
Penerbit : Bukunesia Publishing
Terbit : 2022
Kategori Buku : Bahasa dan Sastra
ISBN : 978-623-91106-7-3

Buku The Dying Dandelion Painting, Poetry and Philosophy ini diterbitkan oleh Bukunesia Publishing.

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