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Buku Baru, Buku Teknik & Sains

SKU: TP11288083457 Kategori: Tag:

Buku Characterization of Underwater Acoustic Channel In Surabaya Bay: An OFDM Technique Evaluation

Penulis: Tri Budi Santoso [et al.]
Isi: xvi, 115 hlm, 15.523 cm
ISBN: 978-623-02-4262-5
Tahun Terbit 2023

This book provides The Evaluation of Probe Signalsfor Impulse Response Measurements in Shallow Water Environment, Underwater Acoustic Channel Characterization of Shallow Water Environment, Adaptive Code with Non Uniform Modulation on OFDM Subcarriers Modeling for Underwater Acoustic Environment, Image Transmission with OFDM Technique in Underwater Acoustic Environment, Ambient Noise Measurement and Characterization of Underwater Acoustic Channel in Surabaya Bay, OFDM System with Adaptive Modulation for Shallow WaterAcoustic Channel Environment, and Performance Analysis of BPSK System in the Underwater Acoustic Channel with Additive Laplacian Noise.

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