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Buku Baru, Buku Teknik & Sains

SKU: TP11861391440 Kategori: Tag:

Buku Detection of Arc Fault in Power System

Penulis: Dimas Okky Anggriawan
ISBN: 978-623-02-4263-2
Isi: xiv, 114 hlm, 15.523 cm
Tahun Terbit: 2023

This book will talk about Real Time Series DC Arc Fault Detection Based on Fast Fourier Transform, Implementation AC Series Arc Fault Recognition Using Microcontroller Based on Fast Fourier Transform; also, Identification and Protection of Series DC Arc Fault for Photovoltaic Systems Based on Fast Fourier Transform. Not only those topics, but this book will also clear up about Smart Detection of AC Series Arc Fault on Home Voltage Line Based on Fast Fourier Transform and Artificial Neural Network, Detection of Parallel Arc Fault on Photovoltaic System Based on Fast Fourier Transform, Mapping Detection of DC Series Arc Fault Based on Fast Fourier Transform. Finally, the writer also explains about Hardware Implementation of Series DC Arc Fault Protection Using Fast Fourier Transform.

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