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SKU: TP1936052354 Kategori: Tag:

Judul : Developing Thinking Ability
Penulis : Irene Nusanti
Ukuran : viii, 72 hlm, Uk: 17.5×25 cm
ISBN : 978-623-02-0290-2
Cetakan Pertama : November 2019
Isi: Hitam Putih

In any level of education, the final goal of educating students is to make them successful in their study and finally in their life. But how can educators make their students successful? To answer the question, consider the following explanation. Have you ever thought that your mind plays an important role in determining the success or failure you have in your life? Or do you think your success in any area of your life has nothing to do with the way you think. Success is just due to working hard only and failure is caused by not enough working hard? Meyer (2010) said that the success begins with the thoughts you keep in your mind. It happens the same thing with your failure. There is a clear connection between your thought and the quality of your lives, because it is what you consistently think that will shape you. If you always think positively, the result will be positive, constructing as well as rewarding.
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