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Buku Baru, Buku Kamus & Bahasa Asing

Buku English Course for High School

Penulis: Erna Setyowati, S.Pd.
ISBN: 978-623-02-7426-8
Isi: viii, 88 hlm, 1420 cm
Tahun Terbit : 2023

English is one of compulsory tests in the school entrance test or job application stage. Learning English is not only a matter of achieving material targets, but also student achievement targets in understanding material and mastering basic skills. Thus, the subject matter is only a means of achieving basic abilities. Meanwhile, to hone these basic skills, students should practice more. These days, many students who are still not successful in learning English is very concerning. What should we do? If we want to succeed in learning English, this English Course for High School book is the right answer, because it is purposefully prepared to meet your needs.
This book provides:

Material Summary, presented on each subject or sub-topic of the subject matter. In this way, students can recall the material to work on the questions.
Sample Questions and Discussions, provided to train students in solving problems and facing any form of test or examination so that they know the solution strategies.

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