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Buku English Coursebook for Entrepreneurship in Tourism

Penulis: Ely Heldydiana Selamat [et al.]
ISBN: 978-623-02-4195-6
Ukuran: xii, 112 hlm, 1420 cm
Tahun terbit 2022

This book was written to serve as a resource for teaching entrepreneurship in tourism. These instructional resources are intended for use on a national level, and hence, students and citizens throughout Indonesia can utilize them directly or through adaption. Learning materials and tasks are designed using the Communicative Approach principles to help students enhance their proficiency in the four language skills through the use of VVQR (Views, Videos, Questions, and Reflection). Additionally, instructional materials and tasks are interwoven into the development of broad life skills and an increased understanding of diversity.

The resources and learning activities in this book have been expanded to promote student learning. The learning activities are designed to engage students alone, in pairs, and in small groups in the process of actively learning English via activities that help them comprehend and utilize the language to communicate their thoughts and feelings spontaneously. Teachers serve as facilitators, providing comments and encouraging students to express themselves freely while maintaining an emphasis on linguistic correctness. Through these learning activities and the teachers role, children are encouraged and assisted in practicing expressing themselves so that they may eventually communicate effectively.

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