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SKU: TP869098982 Kategori: Tag:

Judul: English for Accounting
Penulis: Adi Mursalin
Ukuran : viii, 165 hlm, Uk: 15.5×23 cm
ISBN : 978-623-02-0750-1
Cetakan Pertama : Maret 2020
This book is structured with the aim of providing teaching materials in English for Accounting Students. This teaching material is designed for learning accounting in English and students are expected to be able to explain accounting terms and accounting theories in English. Learning materials and assignments are developed with the principles of the Communicative Approach to develop student competencies in the four language skills, namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In addition, learning materials and tasks integrally develop life skills in a broad sense and increase awareness of diversity. The learning material and assignments in this book are organized into two learning cycles, namely the oral cycle and the written cycle. While the oral cycle emphasizes developing listening and speaking skills, the written cycle develops reading and writing skills. In accordance with the principle of cohesiveness in language learning, the two cycles develop all four language skills in an integrated manner. Both the oral cycle and the written cycle are composed of four types of learning activities, namely opening, exposure to the target language, explanation of the linguistic elements, and the practice of communicating in the target language in a guided or free manner. In addition, for enrichment and evaluation purposes, each unit is equipped with structured tasks in the form of homework in the form of video records and speaking practices on accounting and evaluation topics. To provide opportunities for students to evaluate themselves independently, a self-evaluation format is provided.
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