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Buku Baru, Buku Kamus & Bahasa Asing

Buku English Phonetics

Penulis: Dr. Wan Anayati, M.A.
Mayasari, S.Pd., M.Si.
Muhammad Kiki Wardana, S.S., M.A.
ISBN: 978-623-02-4624-1
Ukuran: xiv, 316 hlm, 15.523 cm
Tahun Terbit 2022

This book details a fairly traditional view of articulatory phonetics, and some related aspects of phonology. Our focus throughout is on English Phonetics, as English is the language of instruction, and the one with which all readers will therefore be familiar. Aspects of general phonetic theory are illustrated using examples from English, and supported by other languages where appropriate. We begin Unit 1 and finish in Unit 11.

The book is aimed at students with no prior knowledge of phonetics or linguistics; therefore, new terminology is emboldened and explained when it is rst introduced. The book is suitable for rst-year undergraduates studying subjects such as linguistics or speech and language therapy, and may also be used for revision by more advanced students. It would certainly be possible for students to teach themselves a good deal of phonetics using this coursebook. However, as phonetics is the study of speech, discussion with a tutor, who can demonstrate particular sounds and clarify any variant aspects of pronunciation, is sometimes recommended in the text. The book may also be used in class, with students working through the exercises either before or during contact hours. Whether used alone, with a tutor or in a class, the units should be attempted in order. Each unit builds on the last, and it is assumed that all previous units have been completed at each stage.

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