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SKU: TP757903666 Kategori: Tag:

Judul: Explorer : English For Tourism
Penulis: Devi Hellystia
Ukuran: x, 153 hlm, Uk: 17.5×25 cm
ISBN: 978-623-02-0542-2
Cetakan Pertama: Januari 2020
English Language skills are the essential requirement in the hotel and tourism industry. English for Tourism is one of the subjects taught in English Department. This course is given to enable students not only understanding the language systems but also the awareness of how implementing it effectively and appropriately. Explorer; English for Tourism is a skill-based course book which focuses on the development of English Language skills in tourism. This book provides a wide range of communicative practice in which reading and writing activities concentrate on essential task such as confirming changes to hotel reservations. It is hoped that this coursebook helps students in many ways in term of improving the skills of English in the field of tourism.
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