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Buku Baru, Buku Teknik & Sains

SKU: TP10722045709 Kategori: Tag:

Buku Introduction to Computer-Based Mechanics of Materials: Ansys Parametric Design Language

Penulis: Fergyanto E. Gunawan
ISBN: 978-623-02-6176-3
Isi: x, 123 hlm, 17,5 x 25 cm
Tahun Terbit 2023

This book entitled Introduction to Computer-based Mechanics of Materials: Ansys Parametric Design Language discusses mainly about structural analysis of some fundamental structures: truss, beam, membrane, and shell structures. The discussion involves ANSYS-APDL scripting language, linear static analysis of a simply-supported truss, linear static analysis of a statically undetermined beam, linear static analysis of the plate with hole, linear static analysis of the cantilever shell, non-linear static analysis of a solid lug, as well as LEFM analysis of a center cracked specimen. The author hopes that this book may serve as a helpful guidance and reference for the students in college, as well as readers in general.

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