Judul: Learning Simple Past Tense In Context
Penulis: Intan Pradita, dkk.
Ukuran : viii, 52 hlm, Uk: 14×20 cm
ISBN : 978-623-02-0703-7
Cetakan Pertama : Februari 2020
This module is expected to accommodate high school students to learn general English. The team developed this module based on specific participants needs. This module contains Islamic thematic activities that are integrated to four English skills. In most of listening and speaking activities, students and teachers will have drills on pronunciation and vocabulary used. Whereas, in reading and writing activities, the students are going to be exposed to text analysis and grammatical drills. A combination of audio-lingual method and communicative language teaching are presented in most of the activities. Teachers are welcomed to enhance the activities into post-method approaches in order to develop the materials as provided in the module. The themes provided in this module will make the students to expose themselves to three types of passages. Those are recount, narrative, and biography. The themes we picked are Islamic figures, adab of Islam, and stories that uphold Islamic events.
Kelebihan kami :
*Buku Baru
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*Stok selalu tersedia
*Packing aman & rapi
*Garansi 100% jika produk rusak/cacat/tidak sesuai KAMI GANTI atau UANG ANDA KEMBALI
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Berat | 200 gram |