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SKU: TP851014623 Kategori: Tag:

Judul: Next 2020 National Examination Training Book 2020 Mathematics For Primary Level
Penulis: Quodvultdeus Bagaskoro
Ukuran : vi, 111 hlm, Uk: 20×29 cm
ISBN : 978-623-02-0572-9
Cetakan Pertama : Februari 2020
National exam is the culmination of 6 years of studies for primary students. The score earned in this exam will really matter because it will be a part of the considerations when students apply for higher level of education. Therefore, parents, students, and teachers alike seek the solution to improve the students score by, among others, having the best practice book to prepare them. In Indonesia, schools that combine curricula from both the government and other curricula, which are usually from abroad, are grouped as SPK (Satuan Pendidikan Kerjasama Cooperative Education Unit). These schools will have the national exam presented to their students in English for Mathematics and Science. By far, most national exam practice books only provide practices in Bahasa Indonesia. This book is the solution to parents, students, and teachers of SPK searching for a practice book in English to prepare themselves better for the exam. Why is this book better? Aside from the language used, this book pays attention to the correct grammar, a problem that can still be seen in other similar practice book. This will help students to easily understand the lessons. Besides, each lesson is explained in detail with examples and practices. This book also provides a pre-test to help students determining their weaknesses and post-test to check students understanding and to see how they progress compared to the pre-test. We would like to thank all who help in the making of this book. If there are mistakes or problems, dont hesitate to contact us so that we can improve it. Good luck with the exam!
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