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SKU: TP1685318286 Kategori: Tag:

Penulis: Prof. Dr. Didi Suherdi, M. Ed
Ukuran : x, 101 hlm, Uk: 17.5×25 cm
ISBN : 978-623-02-2456-0
Cetakan Pertama : Februari 2021

Covid-19 pandemic has changed many aspects of our life, including how quality education is to be conducted. This calamity has forced all of us to work from home and prevented teachers and students run face-to-face teaching and learning processes. In this situation, online learning is the best choice, except for those who live in green zones. For the very reason, emergency online learning is now on the stage in many parts of the world.

Preliminary data in the early months of implementation show that online learning is by no means easy. Teachers and students are faced with serious problems, including teachers lack of knowledge, acceptance, and experiences, internet connection, required facilities, and management and community supports. In the meantime, quality is not negotiable.

This book is written to serve as an alternative source for teachers who seek to find helps in motivating themselves to run effective online learning, developing working models of online teaching, and developing online classroom research and professional development so that quality education can be guaranteed through a well-planned, well-administered and well-supported manner.
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