Buku Reading For General Communication
Penulis: Dr. Aminah Suriaman, S.Pd., M.Pd., M.Ed., dkk
ISBN: 978-623-02-5707-0
Ukuran: x, 210 hlm, 14×20 cm
Tahun terbit 2022
The book covers basic reading skills to read texts of various topics based on local context, e.g., scan, preview, and predict, find main topics and ideas, skim, and draw conclusions. The exercises following the text will explore the practice of using the skill. The course also encourages students to develop their reading habits by asking them to choose their favorite reading and share it with the whole class.
This book aims to improve students ability to understand texts from various topics, apply reading comprehension skills, understand texts from various topics, apply reading comprehension skills, practice reading faster with good comprehension, develop their reading habits, practice reading faster with good comprehension, good understanding, and develop the students reading habits.
The book content introduces book outlines and overviews of reading for general communication; reading for pleasure, scanning, previewing, and predicting topics and paragraphs, main ideas, skimming, concluding, faster reading, vocabulary, and exercises. It is appropriate to improve students reading skills.
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