Buku Suggested Systems to Build Induction Motor Drive: Consider the Inverter, Type of Motor, Control System and Speed Controller
Penulis: Indra Ferdiansyah, dkk
ISBN: 978-623-02-4257-1a
Isi: xiv, 74 hlm, 15.523 cm
Tahun Terbit: 2023
This research aims to explain the work of Maximum Boost Control Z Source Inverter (MBC-ZSI) as it is applied to Induction Motor Drives with several loads. We suggest a certain system in which in the end our suggested system obtain a constant speed. The constant speed is about 1198 Rpm with the average time 0.5 s in several motor load. Our research makes sure about the performance of the suggested system by making a comparison with SPWM-VSI inverter system. From the comparison test, it known that MBC-ZSI needs a faster time to obtain constant speed with the average of 0.26 s as the motor loads change.
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