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Buku Baru, Buku Lainnya

SKU: TP3242340282 Kategori: Tag:

Buku Teaching and Learning During Covid-19 and Beyond

Penulis: Udan Kusmawan
Rafidah Abd. Karim
ISBN: 978-623-02-4236-6
Ukuran: viii, 67 hlm, 17.525 cm
Tahun terbit 2022

The Covid-19 pandemic has endowed a new nuance to the education system. Technological progress has been admitted as a vital feature of implementing the educational process in the era where humans have positioned themselves as globally connected. Information and communication technology has proven itself to prosper the educational process. By referring to various research results and direct observations during the Pandemic period, it is known that the level of acceptance of learning technology is quite significant. In this pandemic era, there is not a single school and higher institution that does not use technology for its educational process. But will this situation continue after the pandemic is over someday? That is what we will be waiting for in the future. We believe that the atmosphere of education at various levels needs to be improved with the latest innovations that are possible to strengthen further the efficiency and effectiveness of learning models that keep pace with the times and the level of human literacy.

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