Buku Textual Reading
Penulis: Magdalena Br Marpaung, S.S., M.Hum.
Ukuran : xxvi, 227 hlm, Uk: 15.5×23 cm
ISBN : 978-623-02-2733-2
Cetakan Pertama : April 2021
Textual reading offers students an opportunity to enhance their mental representation building process by intensifying cognitive relations to the text content both structure and ideas unity. Textual reading is designed to intensify the connection of readers to the text by questioning more the text of fictional (literary text types) and non-fictional (factual & argumentative text types. Along to the offers and design, this textual reading is composed with more reading activities and an introduction to the deeper text structure of fictional and non-fictional text types. The more reading activities are purposely training readers comprehension and vocabulary skills whereas an introduction to the text types structures aims to enhance the connection of readers to the text by questioning the key parts of the main message in the text.
Textual Reading is a handbook of reading which focuses to the text types learning material. In this Textual Reading, there are 4 units with 14 lesson and 140 Learning Activities. Textual Reading book is teaching you all of the text types started from literary recount to discussion.
Kelebihan kami :
*Buku Baru
*Pengiriman Cepat
*Stok selalu tersedia
*Packing aman & rapi
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