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SKU: TP589751578 Kategori: Tag:

The Eight Words: Parts Of Speech

Penulis : Selviana Napitupulu, Fenty Debora Napitupulu dan Kisno
Ukuran : x, 117 hlm, Uk: 15.5×23 cm
ISBN : 978-623-02-0054-0
Cetakan Pertama : September 2019

This book is written for those intending to learn the word class in the grammar of English, especially for the novice or starters. It starts with the origins of the parts of speech and contains the explanation of the parts of speech alphabetically. Exercises are available to drill the readers comprehension upon completing reading a chapter. Those exercises are useful for the readers in order to implement the readers capability in identifying, classifying, analyzing sentences and finally writing down a using the part of speech about a certain topic.
It is not easy to fulfill the millennials demand on learning process. However, the authors have made their effort by making this reference book available for them. The authors expect this book give advantage to the novice intending to achieve the comprehensive English Grammar.
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