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SKU: TP1367300810 Kategori: Tag:

Judul : The Functional Texts
Prof. Dr. Selviana Napitupulu, M.Hum.
Fenty Debora Napitupulu
Ukuran : viii, 50 hlm, Uk: 15.5×23 cm
ISBN : 978-623-02-1414-1
Cetakan Pertama : Agustus 2020

Reflecting on the fact that the national examination in secondary schools in Indonesia, we write this book to fulfill the requirements of understanding and writing text genres for students in secondary schools and higher education. This first edition is the development of the authors previous book entitled Generic Text Structure which contains essay functional text. The essay functional texts in this edition are categorized into three division, they are narrative discourse, descriptive discourse, and argumentative discourse. To update, we now include the short functional texts that are easily found in our daily life.
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