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Buku Baru, Buku Buku Kedokteran

SKU: TP12387768365 Kategori: Tag:

Buku The Impact of Environmental Exposure on The Haematological Disorder

Penulis: Ela Laelasari [et al.]
ISBN: 978-623-02-7417-6
Isi: xiv, 63 hlm, 15.523 cm
Tahun Terbit 2023

This book entitled The Effect of Environmental Occupational Exposure on the Haematological Parameter delivers a comprehensive overview of the basic concepts behind blood cancer detection using biomedical samples. This book serves as a guidance to help readers understand what public health looks like when dealing with disorders such as anemia and leukaemia. Developing laboratory skills for analyzing blood images of leukaemia cancer cases is extremely important. Comprised of thirteen sections, this book can also serve as a brief introduction to advancing future public health research. This book provides easy question-and-answer quizzes for readers, especially students and young researchers. Many resources are added in each chapter to help readers learn about blood disorder detection more comprehensively. This valuable information is essential for anyone interested in planning future research in related topics.

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