Buku The Making of Negeri Laskar Pelangi
Penulis: Arni Dewi Boronnia
Ukuran : xii, 83, Uk: 17.5×25 cm
ISBN : 978-623-02-2365-5
Cetakan Pertama : Februari 2021
Isi : HVS 70 Gram
This book was based on one of the highest grossing film in Indonesian box office history: Laskar Pelangi (The Rainbow Troops) which specifically took a location in a small island in west part of Indonesia called Belitung Island. The film adapted from the popular same-titled novel by Andrea Hirata which based on his childhood memories in Belitung Island. Set in the 1970s, the film sensitively captures the struggles of a group of poor children to achieve their dreams to get proper education, the beauty of friendship and its ability to save humanity, against the background of what was once one of Indonesias richest island because of the tin mining industry. The popularity of this heartwarming film drama has impact on the improvement of economic condition of Belitung Island. This small island is now benefit from the development priority given by Indonesia central government: brand-new international airport, luxurious hotels, and new inter-zonal roads. Through my research, I found the practice of forming superficial/artificial destination identity with banal cultural basis done by the local government. The local government used the name of the film as the destination brand and invented the tagline Negeri Laskar Pelangi (The Land of Rainbow Troops). This image selection of Belitung Island was done based on the regional imaginary that was first formed by the film audiences. Tourism was something that never occurred in the history of Belitung or embedded in Belitung people culture. It was tin mining that gave subtle traces in relation to the spatial and cultural matter because of the long historical attachment.
Kelebihan kami :
*Buku Baru
*Pengiriman Cepat
*Stok selalu tersedia
*Packing aman & rapi
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