Penulis : Santri E.P.Djahimo
vii, 136 hlm.; Uk: 14 x 20 cm
ISBN 978-602-401-413-1(no.jil.lengkap)
978-602-401-415-5(jil. 2)
Cetakan Pertama: Juni 2016
Cetakan Kedua: Januari 2017
Cetakan Ketiga: Februari 2018.
For young learners to learn English, they need, in the words of Professor Stephen Krashen, Compelling Comprehensible Input. This book does that very thing – by giving the young learners input via pictures and vocabulary reinforcement, the teacher has an excellent resource she may use in the classroom. Using this book with Professor Krashen’s latest methodology, TPRS – (Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling), allows the teacher to concentrate on providing compelling input combined with the teacher’s creative storytelling. I believe this book is an excellent resource for use in the young learner classroom.
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*Buku Baru
*Pengiriman Cepat
*Stok selalu tersedia
*Packing aman & rapi
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